Kissing, hugging, cuddling - all of this is part of foreplay, which leads to the formulation of the sex hormones, and this eventually causes some changes in the body. Women and men that the excitation manifests itself differently.
The signs of sexual arousal in women

In the early stages of arousal increase the flow of blood to the head, which, in turn, causes the appearance of blush. Changes occur in breathing, the woman starts to inhale and exhale, as if not enough air. Next to the representatives of the beautiful sex, almost immediately, changes occur in the vagina, you need to enjoy a penetration directly through sexual contact. Sexual arousal causes a remarkable increase in the size of the clitoris, as he gets more blood. When the heat of the passions are intensified, the woman can increase and become more elastic in the chest, and the nipples take erectum state. It is worth noting that during sexual arousal the area around the nipple becomes darker. Many of the ladies occurs the tremor in the body and breathability. Often the woman cheerily, sticking out the belly forward, and here's the hip, on the contrary, compresses it, which leads to irritation of the clitoris and the labia.
The signs of sexual arousal in men
Of course, the most important signal of the willingness of "the male" go to privacy – the erection, which occurs due to the fact that the head of the member runs the blood, and becomes firm and increase in size.
The gestures of the men during sexual arousal:
- The demonstration of the groin and of the virility of the figure. If has been emerging interest in the opposite sex, the "male" is widely pushing legs. The man is a reflection of tucking the tummy, stretch the muscles and the appearance will be more brave.
- The excitation is a stress to the body, which leads to a higher pressure. Because of this, the man can "choke" the tie or filling and hoodies are going to try and stretch existing chain. In a state of arousal can more often smoking.
- The remarkable gesture to indicate the arrangement closest to a contact – the desire to remove it, for example, a man may remove your glasses, unbutton the wristband of the watch, buttons, etc
What is interesting - signs and symptoms of sexual arousal in men appear much faster than those of women. This state can be both members of the couple, so it is important not to delay the prelude and go to the screen to operate.